Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my child needs therapy?


If you have questions or concerns about your child's development, social skills, behaviors and/or sensory processing, please call the clinic. Through a conversation we will be able to better guide you and your family to determine the next steps.


How do I pay for therapy services?


We are credentialed with many major insurance carriers; however each plan varies with its in-network benefits/plan. Please call the clinic to get more information on insurance and payment options. It is the individual’s responsibility to understand their insurance.


What does a therapy evaluation consist of?


Each evaluation process is unique and based on the child and family. An evaluation can take anywhere from an hour to two hours. At our clinic we strive to provide a comforting experience for the child and family where the parent is present throughout the entire session.

During the evaluation the occupational therapist will observe and assess the child for age appropriate developmental skills that are necessary for work, play and activities of daily living as well as to identify any sensory processing challenges.

At the end of the session, recommendations will be offered based on observations, standardized testing and communication from parents/guardians to determine if therapy services are necessary. Most children find the evaluation session to be fun and are excited to come back to play and explore!


What is sensory processing?


Each individual has a sensory system that consists of five basic senses including hearing, sight, touch, taste and smell. We also each have three more senses that are lesser known but just as important; proprioception, vestibular and introception.

Each system works either in isolation or in conjunction with other senses to provide your body with information about the environment as well as how to regulate/calm the body. Sometimes one or more system(s) can become overwhelmed and will cause the body and brain to quickly enter a heightened state (this looks different for each person).

For example, if you are walking and a car suddenly honks, you may jump, cover your ears and drop the items that you are holding. Another example, A child puts on pants but their underwear is all bunched up or the material is itchy. Their reaction may be to throw themselves on the ground, take the pants off, refuse to wear that type of material or refuse to wear underwear.

Others have an underreaction sensory system that requires more and more input to understand what is happening with their bodies. When this occurs, children may not notice that their hands or face are messy or they may bump into furniture and look clumsy while playing. 


Do you provide a sensory processing evaluation?


Yes. A full sensory processing evaluation is where the occupational therapist specifically looks at all of the sensory systems and how a child responds to different scenarios and environments.

Following this evaluation, a comprehensive report will be provided detailing each sensory system and how the individual's response to sensory input impacts daily life. An individualized plan is put into place based on observations and family concerns.

Sensory processing evaluations are not covered by insurance. Please call the clinic for further information and payment options. 


What happens after the evaluation? 


Following the evaluation, the therapist will work closely with the parent/guardian, to determine the best plan for your child. This can include scheduling individualized therapy sessions, generating goals and occasionally making referrals to other professionals. A typical therapy session is scheduled for one hour.


Do you have a social story about your clinic for our child prior to coming to the clinic?


Yes. Click on the following PDF social story and read it to your child prior to coming to the clinic for your evaluation.

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